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CyberSaint Internet Outreach

It all began one day in December 1995. The Lord instructed the ministry’s director to begin producing a publication for single Christians called Scenario and to begin circulation in January 1996. What a challenge! We had one month to produce something for the well-being of the Christian single community. Little did we know that the Lord had already equipped our, then staff, for the task at hand.

The first issue of Scenario Magazine (20 pages in length) was published and commenced distribution on January 31, 1996. Shortly thereafter, we began receiving testimonies regarding the impact of the Lord through the publication. The most notable of these testimonies involved five young ladies that received Scenario at work, all of whom were pregnant. Prior to receiving the publication, all five of the young ladies were contemplating having abortions. After reading Scenario, all five of them repented, deciding to keep their children. Isn’t that wonderful!?!

Four months later, the publication began experiencing resistance from the leadership in its local assembly. We never did really find out why, but we were led of the Lord to, just as was done with Moses, “put the ministry in a basket” (so to speak) in order to preserve it and cultivate it. The ministry was incorporated (non-profit, ecclesiastical) in the State of Michigan in June, 1996 as Scenario Ministries International (SMI). We were later instructed by the Lord to take the ministry to the world via the World Wide Web. Our first domain name was www.scenario.org, eventually, of course, becoming www.cybersaint.org. Registration of the CyberSaint® trademark was granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in early 2001.

In 2020, CyberSaint’s operation was rolled into the work of Remnant Christian Assembly. The content on the CyberSaint website is currently being migrated to the Remnant site and will soon be sunset. That content will be available in the Pastor’s Blog.

For more information, feel free to contact us or check our Calendar for upcoming services.