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Infinity Marriage Enrichment Outreach

Marriage is a union that was created and established by God Himself. Unfortunately, many enter into marriage ignorantly, foolishly, and haphazardly. Many also enter into marriage oblivious of God’s purpose, design, and passion for this union.

At Remnant, we understand that marriage is a covenant—one that should not be entered into lightly. There is much to know, much to learn, and much to do. Therefore, through the grace of God, this division of the ministry is dedicated to the well-being of married Christians. We conduct services that combine teaching, Bible study, and prayer with open-floor dialog (i.e., group discussion and question and answer sessions) in an effort to maximize edification through interaction, contribution, and feedback.

Those who are not married, but are seeking to learn more about marriage, are encouraged to attend occasionally.

For more information, feel free to contact us or check our Calendar for upcoming services.