Halloween — What’s to Celebrate?!?!?

Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

— James 4:4

Halloween. It’s short for “hallowed evening”. A season represented by such icons as ghosts, witches, wizards, goblins (demons), fear and deceit. People spend a great deal of money dressing themselves and their children in costumes, spend money on exorbitant amounts of candy and other sweets and are willing to make a fool out of themselves in the name of . . . fun (?). People have even gone as far as referring to Halloween as a time of celebration, though, if you ask them what they’re celebrating, they don’t know. And if someone claims to be “celebrating harvest”, double check to see whether or not they’re a farmer. Today, we’re going to discuss the problem with Christians and Halloween, but from a scriptural perspective.

While those who are of the world may celebrate, those who are truly Christians must (and will) realize that we are in the world, but we are not of the world. What does the phrase “the world” mean? To find the appropriate definition, because the word “world” doesn’t appear in the Greek in the many scriptures, we can examine today’s text — James 4:4. The word “world” means “orderly arrangement or decoration”. “The world” also refers to (in accordance with the definition) the operating standards of unregenerate man. The fact that we are “not of the world”, means that we should not and must not operate, behave and think based on the same mindset that they do?

In His commentary regarding being “of the world”, Jesus said (John 15:19) “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” Additionally, John 17:14-16 says, “I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. {15} I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. {16} They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” Therefore, the key to not operating in accordance with the world is based on our ability and willingness to keeping the word of God.

In light of today’s text, a Christian who will be “friends with the world” is involved in a serious behavior and honor problem. The word “friendship” in this passage means “fondness”. Therefore, if a person, as a Christian, is fond of — has a heart/kinship and affection for — the mindset, philosophies and behavior patterns of unregenerate man, he or she is at enmity with God!!! In other words, such a person is behaving as God’s enemy (i.e., behaving as a satan [adversary]).

One such thing Christians should abstain from is Halloween. It is a time that represents all that is evil. The enemy, who has always sought to deceive those who belong to the Lord Jesus and call on His name to betray, deny and dishonor Him, deceives many during this time. Many Christians feel that participating in Halloween is harmless. Many feel that it’s all in good, clean fun. Many will tell you that they’re not paying homage to the devil by dressing up (we’re talking about grown people at work now). The truth of the matter is that, as alluded to earlier, this “holiday” has extremely high demonic/satanic roots and purposes. HOW CAN A PERSON BE INVOLVED, EVEN INNOCENTLY, IN SOMETHING WITH DEMONIC ROOTS AND NOT DISHONOR GOD??????? YOU CAN’T!

You see, the world — unregenerate man — is blind and cannot see or understand the judgment (discernment) of God. They don’t see anything dangerous about devils. They don’t see witchcraft as offensive to God. They even have TV shows that glorify “good witches”. The world doesn’t think that there’s an inherent danger to “casting spells”. The world thinks that Harry Potter is cute. Those who are Christians should be rooted, grounded and constantly maturing with regards to approving of that which is excellent before the Lord. We are called to “approve that which is excellent” (Philippians 1:10-11). Remember Romans 12:2? It says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” One of the purposes of the command to submit to mind renewal is so we can prove the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. If we are willing to be friends with the world — meaning that we will be subject to its thoughts, whims and dictates — we cannot prove (or submit to) the will of God.

The setup (and the need for renewing of the mind) starts as children. True to our selfish nature, we looked forward to Halloween and were sucked in because of the candy. It was all about us and how much candy we could get. We looked forward to dressing up and fooling our friends. We loved the idea of “wearing masks” and misrepresenting our true selves. We took great pride in our costumes and felt badly if we didn’t have a costume worthy of admiration. As we got older, the candy wasn’t such a big thing anymore, but the corporate world has proven that having fun during this season is still on the minds and hearts of many. Did you know that people spend more money on Halloween that on Christmas (though that’s silly too, but we’ll discuss that another time)? In their adulthood, many actually put more in it — spending foolishly on costumes and office decorations. For what purposes? They don’t know.

Another setup occurs as adults. We know that Halloween is condemnable, but we don’t want our kids to be left out. We don’t want them to appear strange or fanatical. Many think that if we don’t participate in Halloween, we’ll put a rift or gap between ourselves and those we’re trying to win for Christ. Buckling under the pressure, we run out and get costumes for our children and feel that all is well. Sucker! The devil pulled on your heart strings and you listened. Your children are depending on YOU to feed them with wisdom. They see fun. They don’t see danger. That’s your job! If you’re having a problem (yes I said a problem) in this area, ask God for wisdom and rectify it. You may not want to listen now, but when they’re sixteen and full of rebellion (with a taste for that which defies God), you’ll be dwelling in a patch of seeds you planted yesteryear.

In all of their celebrating, people don’t know that more children come up missing during this time than at any other time during the year, never to be seen again. People don’t know that Halloween was (and is) a time of pagan rituals and was merged with “All Saints Day” (a foolish catholic holiday) to come up with Halloween. People don’t know that bobbing for apples was a pagan ritual. People don’t know that the tradition of dressing up was related to the warding off of evil spirits. Many think that Halloween is a Christian holiday. It’s not. How in the world can something to do with fear, torture, murder, demons and witchcraft have anything to do with Christianity??? These things are all condemned in scripture.

Many Christians will say, “I’m not doing any of these things” and, in their heart, they’re not. What they’re doing is, by participating, sanctioning the event as harmless. They are saying that “It’s okay”. They’re saying that there are no risks and that all is well with Halloween. All of these things are lies. In sanctioning Halloween, many Christians, since we’re the light of the world and people look to us for information, whether we realize it or not, are casting a stumblingblock before the world. Ezekiel 22:26 says, “Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they showed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.” True Christians are priests unto the Lord. One of our responsibilities is to declare that which is holy . . . and unholy. Halloween IS NOT A HALLOWED EVENING — not to Christians. It is hallowed to those who participate in occult practices.

God has a controversy with many of His people during this season because of a willingness to participate in (and/or ignorance of) Halloween. This season is a great opportunity to declare the word of the Lord. The world thinks Halloween is okay. Considering its icons, message and origins, a person who is enlightened cannot and will not agree with their declaration. Remember, to think in accordance with unregenerate man is enmity with God. You are behaving as an enemy. Another word for “enemy” is “satan”.

If you have been an enemy in the past, please know and understand the following passage. Philippians 3:18-21 says, “(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: {19} Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.) {20} For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: {21} Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.” Enemies of the cross aren’t in the world. They’re in the church.

Are you God’s enemy or His ally? Don’t answer the question. Your conduct (and plans) speak for you. If you have already bought costumes, take them back!!! If you have planned to distribute candy, take it back!!! Have nieces and nephews talked to you about their costumes only to have you say, “That’s nice?” Do you know what kind of seed are you planting? Is your church holding a “harvest festival” or something like that so kids don’t feel left out??? Why do Christians feel like they must offer substitutes? Don’t do anything. Tooooo many children in church are taught to quote (and memorize) scripture, to sing in front of the church during certain seasons and other “outward things”, but are NOT taught things that will actually make a difference in their lives. I’ve seen too many children grow up to be hypocrites…. because that’s what they were taught to do. Don’t kill your children by exposing them to a demonic holiday and having them think it’s innocent.

SIDE NOTE: For those of you caught up in the Harry Potter phenomenon, what’s wrong with you???? Wake up!!! It’s yet another ploy of the enemy to get people to warm up to and think innocently concerning the things of the devil. The difference is that this is one of the more blatant devilish campaigns. Children are actually being taught to have a zeal for the occult through this phenomenon. They want to cast spells. If you check your communities, you’ll find that there are no massive prayer vigils regarding the “Harry Potter invasion”. Everybody wanted to pray when the planes crashed on September 11, but the “slow death” presented by Harry Potter goes unnoticed and is not taken seriously. Don’t be a fool!!!

We must be determined to take a stand during this time. Isaiah 26:9 says, “With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” Want to make an impression for God? Don’t celebrate Halloween. When someone asks you why you’re not dressed up or such like, you then have an opportunity to present the gospel of Jesus Christ and lead a soul to safety — to plant and water for the Lord. We are responsible for the judgments of the Lord being in the earth. Like John the Baptist, we must cry out concerning the word of God and declare its truth. One of the ways we can do this is by NOT participating in things that are contrary to it.

First Peter 4:4 says, “Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you….” People will talk about you for not participating. The children of Israel were thought strange because of their separateness and their seasons. Christians shouldn’t be any different. Let the world talk. We don’t serve them anyway. As the children of Israel appeared “strange” for not embracing the ways of the heathen that surrounded them. Now that God’s people are all commingled with “heathenish equivalents”, many of us have forgotten not to embrace the ways of everyone around us.

Saints, don’t celebrate Halloween. After all, what’s to celebrate anyway??? Absolutely nothing. Strive to be the friend of God. How do you do that? In John 15:14, Jesus said, “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” He commands us not to be conformed to this world. Those who celebrate Halloween are conforming. If you choose to ignore this message and/or think that I am speaking from myself, you WILL eventually find out the truth. We’re praying for you because we don’t want you to die. We don’t want you to help anyone else die either. Again, there’s nothing to celebrate. Don’t be a fool.

Until next time, keep the word (take off that mask) and be blessed!

Written by Bishop D.W. Hood
Copyright © 2012, Remnant Christian Assembly