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Ancient Paths Archives

Remnant’s Ancient Paths broadcast aired on 560 AM in metro Detroit for several years. Though we’re no longer on the air, the broadcasts will still be made available for all that are interested.

During the site’s reconstruction, the broadcast files will be converted from Windows Media to the MP3 format. Selected broadcasts will be added once available. Check back in the near future to begin accessing old Ancient Paths broadcasts. A preview of some forthcoming content is listed below. If a link is provided, it’s tapping into the prior archives. Files are in Windows Media format.

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Farewell Fireside Chats: In preparation for going off the air, Pastor Hood and The Gallery provide a brief summary of Remnant’s ministry topics and provide ministry-ending exhortations and challenges for our listeners.

  • Saturday, April 30, 2011: Fireside Chat
  • Saturday, May 7, 2011: Fireside Chat
  • Saturday, May 14, 2011: Farewell/Final Fireside Chat

Behold the Vagabond: In the book of Acts, we learn of “vagabond Jews” that went about engaging in acts that were actually reserved for those with the Holy Ghost. The end of the matter? After attempting to cast out a demon, the possessed individual beat the men out of their clothes and put them to shame. Sadly, the characteristics of a vagabond extend far beyond the personas of the seven sons of Sceva. Listen to “Behold the Vagabond” as Pastor Hood brings clarity to this matter and addresses its dangers and presence among us today.

Brokenhearted: As a segue between longer topics, Pastor Hood presents issues associated with being brokenhearted and God’s heart towards such.

Revisiting Sodom: Jeremiah 23:14 says “I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness; they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.” Though physical Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed during the days of Abraham, places that spiritually reflect the corruption of such places can and do still exist. Listen to “Revisiting Sodom,” as Pastor Hood provides insight on the associated issues in today’s church world.

  • Saturday, March 12, 2011: Revisiting Sodom, Part 1
  • Saturday, March 19, 2011: Revisiting Sodom, Part 2

Keep Yourselves in the Love of God: These segments, from a recent Bible Study at Remnant, focus on the second part of Jude 21, where God’s people are commanded to look for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

  • Saturday, February 19, 2011: Keep Yourselves in the Love of God, Part 5A
  • Saturday, February 26, 2011: Keep Yourselves in the Love of God, Part 5B

Love Through Exposure (Prelude): Many feel that it’s out-of-order or unloving to expose someone’s misdeeds. The scriptures, however, declare otherwise. In the segments provided below, in a recent Prelude session, Evangelist Robin Williams covers Deuteronomy 13 and various examples from God’s word illustrating the purpose and love demonstrated in exposure.

  • Saturday, February 5, 2011: Love Through Exposure, Part 1
  • Saturday, February 12, 2011: Love Through Exposure, Part 2

His Doctrine: First Timothy 4:16 tells us to take heed to ourselves and the doctrine and to continue doing such. The results? We’ll save ourselves, as well as saving those who hear us. Unfortunately, doctrine is downplayed in Christendom today. In this series, Pastor Hood speaks about the importance of doctrine and provides examples of Christ’s doctrine for us to consider and to examine ourselves, whether we be in the faith.

  • Saturday, October 30, 2010: His Doctrine, Part 1
  • Saturday, November 6, 2010: His Doctrine, Part 2A
  • Saturday, November 13, 2010: His Doctrine, Part 2B
  • Saturday, November 20, 2010: His Doctrine, Part 3A
  • Saturday, November 27, 2010: His Doctrine, Part 3B
  • Saturday, December 4, 2010: His Doctrine, Part 3C
  • Saturday, December 11, 2010: His Doctrine, Part 4A
  • Saturday, December 18, 2010: His Doctrine, Part 4B
  • Saturday, December 25, 2010: His Doctrine, Part 5A
  • Saturday, January 1, 2011: His Doctrine, Part 5B
  • Saturday, January 8, 2011: His Doctrine, Part 5C
  • Saturday, January 15, 2011: His Doctrine, Part 6A
  • Saturday, January 22, 2011: His Doctrine, Part 6B
  • Saturday, January 29, 2011: His Doctrine, Part 6C

Love May Abound: Remnant’s Assistant Pastor, Elder Lawrence Gates, shares a recent Sunday Morning Prelude lesson concerning the importance of God’s love abounding in our lives and how this is accomplished.

  • Saturday, October 23, 2010: Love May Abound

2010 Anniversary Consecration Trilogy: Sharing excerpts from the 2010 Anniversary Consecration services.

  • Saturday, October 16, 2010: Consecration Trilogy

Why Sit We Here?: A look at the lepers from 2 Kings and the appropriate attitude they took to achieve deliverance and to help deliver the nation.

  • Saturday, October 9, 2010: Why Sit We Here

Fireside Chat on Response to Leadership: A series of discussions focusing on the dynamics of responding to God-ordained and God-sent leadership in the body of Christ.

  • Saturday, July 24, 2010: Fireside Chat — Response to Leadership, Part 1
  • Saturday, July 31, 2010: Fireside Chat — Response to Leadership, Part 2
  • Saturday, August 7, 2010: Fireside Chat — Response to Leadership, Part 3
  • Saturday, August 21, 2010: Fireside Chat — Response to Leadership, Part 4
  • Saturday, August 28, 2010: Fireside Chat — Response to Leadership, Part 5
  • Saturday, September 4, 2010: Fireside Chat — Response to Leadership, Part 6
  • Saturday, September 11, 2010: Fireside Chat — Response to Leadership, Part 7
  • Saturday, September 18, 2010: Fireside Chat — Response to Leadership, Part 8
  • Saturday, September 25, 2010: Fireside Chat — Response to Leadership, Part 9
  • Saturday, October 2, 2010: Fireside Chat — Response to Leadership, Part 10

A Passion for Retention: A recent Prelude lesson taught by Evangelist Robin Williams, focusing on the importance of retaining God in one’s knowledge.

  • Saturday, July 10, 2010: A Passion for Retention

All That Glitters, Part 3: This broadcast features a segment from a message focusing on the truth about relationships, what God is calling for from them, and the determination and submission required in order to be successful from God’s perspective.

  • Saturday, June 26, 2010: All That Glitters, Part 3 (Segment)

Fireside Chat: Random Kingdom of God-related discussions with Pastor Hood and Remnant attendees (a/k/a “The Gallery”).

  • Saturday, June 5, 2010: Fireside Chat, Part 1
  • Saturday, June 12, 2010: Fireside Chat, Part 2
  • Saturday, June 19, 2010: Fireside Chat, Part 3

It Just Ain’t Christian (Encore): Pastor Hood and the Gallery revisited one of the most talked about Ancient Paths Broadcasts, addressing various topics and elements that are commonly believed among professing Christians and exposing their inaccuracies and dangers.

  • Saturday, May 1, 2010: It Just Ain’t Christian (Encore), Part 1
  • Saturday, May 8, 2010: It Just Ain’t Christian (Encore), Part 1 (Reairing due to storm interference on 5/1/10)
  • Saturday, May 15, 2010: It Just Ain’t Christian, Part 2
  • Saturday, May 22, 2010: It Just Ain’t Christian, Part 3

    NOTE: The Saturday, May 22 broadcast was reaired on Saturday, May 29 due to a programming error.

Disciples Reproved (A Trip to Sardis): This broadcast is from a recent Bible Study at Remnant, focusing on how God interacts with His people — especially encouraging us not to think less of ourselves in a time of correction. This segment of the series contains a verse-by-verse exposition of God’s address from Revelation to the church at Sardis.

  • Saturday, April 24, 2010: Disciples Reproved (Sardis)

Roots: Paul exhorted us to be “rooted and grounded in the faith”. Paul also said, “Doth not nature teach us some things?” In this message, Pastor Hood takes a look at the nature, structure, and operation of roots, paralleling these findings with God’s call upon our lives.

  • Saturday, April 3, 2010: Roots, Part 1
  • Saturday, April 10, 2010: Roots, Part 2
  • Saturday, April 17, 2010: Roots, Part 3