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Cry Aloud Publishing

This is the publishing wing of Remnant Christian Assembly, responsible for overseeing management of the following:

  • Periodicals
    • Cry Aloud
      Our e-mail exhortational, sent at least once per month and available on a subscription basis. Many Cry Aloud exhortations are available via the Pastor’s Blog.
    • Prelude
      Our internally authored Sunday School lessons, only available to Remnant attendees and churches associated with RCAW.
    • Jot
      The weekly church bulletin and ministry resource, shared with Remnant attendees and friends of the ministry.
  • Books
    Pastor Hood has written six books to date. The titles are as follows:
    • A Closer Look at Psalm 1
    • Mystery of the Dead Church
    • Overcoming the Curse
    • 10 Proofs Against Eternal Security
    • From the Desk of Pastor Hood, Volume 1
    • When Prayer Isn’t the Answer
  • Sunset Resources
    • Remnant Magazine
      Published once before the first service of Remnant Christian Assembly, this work basically resurfaced as Jot and is limited to access by church attendees and friends.
    • Scenario Magazine
      This was the second published work of ministry, produced bi-monthly. It was sunset prior to Remnant’s first service in 1999.

Have questions about our published works? Feel free to contact us or check our Calendar for upcoming services.