The Rocks Are Crying Out


Does the title of this post sound familiar? It comes from Luke 19:40. In context, the passage of scripture reads as follows:

And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen; Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest. And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

Again, in context, the verse is referring to the disciples giving Jesus praise as He entered Jerusalem. In application, we can apply it to any situation where God’s true people hold their peace. Being that God never leaves Himself without a witness, we should know and understand that someone will always cry out on God’s behalf, even if His true people are quiet AND even if those doing the crying out are NOT His people.

The application to praise is easily understood and digested, but there’s another grossly overlooked element of expression where this topic also comes into play. That overlooked element is THE DOCTRINES OF EXPOSURE. The doctrines of exposure are misunderstood, shunned, avoided, and blasphemed by most Christians — real or professing. Many think it’s wrong to exposure wicked people and ministerial imposters, but God has never felt that way about this subject, as exemplified throughout scripture.

Being that God’s people, for the most part, avoid and shun acts of exposure, God provides insight (to at least some extent) via “the rocks”. And by “the rocks”, I’m referring to “stony hearted” people – those that don’t belong to Him. Regardless of their state, however, God reveals some level of truth to these people and they believed the report.

Some examples of “the rocks crying out” and providing exposure include the following:

  • HBO produced and aired an investigative report called “In Search of Miracles,” where the ministry and person of Benny Hinn was exposed in great detail and without restraint. One of the most painstaking accounts during “In Search of Miracles” involved Hinn’s “ministry” repeatedly charging a family approximately $1,500 to pray for their ill son, who eventually passed away. Upon receiving word of his being deceased, Hinn’s ministry simply told the family they didn’t have enough faith and went on their way.
  • Nightline also aired TWO segments on Benny Hinn, revealing his extravagant lifestyle and lack of true integrity.
  • The late Larry King of CNN had a habit of interviewing high-profile “ministerial personalities.” During practically every interview, he also presents many of the same questions — stereotypical questions (some would say) concerning topics considered to be sensitive (e.g., abortion, homosexuality, etc.). In practically every instance (if not every instance), each interviewee declined to answer the “tough questions”. Speechless interviewees included such high-profile folks as Joyce Meyer, Rod Parsley, and Joel Osteen among others. Again, NONE OF THEM were willing to discuss the sensitive topics — to any extent.
  • Lastly, for now, nationally-known talk show host Reuben Armstrong wrote a book entitled “Snakes in the Pulpit.” In this book, Mr. Armstrong took time to expose megachurch leaders such as T.D. Jakes, Eddie Long, Joel Osteen, and Creflo Dollar. Though the source shows courage, he lacks the ability to speak with authority; hence, he qualifies as a rock, but God still allowed him (Mr. Armstrong) to cry out.

There are many, many more examples, but these are enough to make the point. Each of the above-mentioned examples include “rocks” assaying to do (directly or indirectly) what God’s true people SHOULD be doing — fulfilling the calls in such passages as Deuteronomy 13 and Romans 16:17-18 to reveal and to mark them.

God is calling for HIS people to take on this task and to do so authoritatively, thoroughly, and in a manner which ushers the hearers to the truth, showing that there is a viable alternative.

The rocks are crying out. What are you going to do about it?